Surf Ski and Kayak Usage

At Stellar, we realize that from time to time, things do happen and we are here to help you through it. The following guidelines will help you understand the intended usage of our products and how to avoid potential issues with your boat and under what conditions the manufacturer's warranty will or will not be valid. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your boat!

Boat Usage for Surf Skis:

Surf Skis are designed for open ocean paddling in varying conditions. The hull shape is designed to be sleek and fast for fitness paddling or racing and will easily catch waves and swell in the ocean. The bow of the boat is shaped specifically to pierce large waves as well as shed water when submerged. The large volume of air in the bow also helps bring the boat back to the surface if the boat dives into a wave when running down it.

The under stern rudder comes in a variety of sizes to suit the conditions and amount of steering pressure needed. The larger rudders are better suited for high wind and larger swell to keep the boat on track and not broach. The large rudders also keep steering in the waves when a smaller rudder may come out of the water, thus loose steering. The smaller rudders are ideal on flat days or inland water ways where waves are not too large and where weeds are more common. An over-stern rudder can be outfitted on your surf ski as well. If you paddle in an area with rocks and logs which might hit your rudder, this might be a good option to avoid damaging the rudder and rudder tube in your boat from an underwater collision.

In windy conditions and open water, make sure to use proper leashes to attach yourself or the paddle to the boat. If you capsize and lose control of the boat, it can blow away extremely quickly without a leash. As always, you should always paddle with a partner and use proper flotation devices such as a PFD along with other safety equipment such as flares, EPRB, cell phone and know your ability level and anticipate any severe weather.


Take caution in the active Surf Zone where waves are breaking. Coming in and out of the surf can severely damage or break the boat. The Surf Skis are not surf kayaks for surfing breaking waves, our surf skis are designed for the Open Ocean and the warranty does not cover breakage in the Surf Zone. When launching a surf ski, do not get caught in the shallows with large waves breaking over the boat. When coming back in, do not ride a breaking or curling wave as it can break the boat or crush it against the bottom of the ocean.

Boat Usage for Touring Kayaks:

Our Performance Touring and Recreational Touring Kayaks are designed for a variety of conditions from lakes and rivers to the open ocean. The hulls are designed with smooth long water lines to make a very efficient shape that glides through the water and cuts through waves. Safety line surrounds the bow and stern deck in case of rescue or capsizing and bungee lines crisscross the middle to lash items to the deck. Waterproof hatches come on all our Touring Kayaks, and make sure to seasonally care for them with an application of a product like 303 Aerospace Protectant, to keep them operating smoothly and water tight. When the boat is in storage, you can open the hatches to allow for air to move around and inhibit the growth of any mildew.

When launching the boats make sure that the rudder or skeg is retracted and that the rudder choc clip is disengaged, this will help keep the rudder or skeg from being damaged in the shallow water or shoving debris into the skeg box. Also be mindful of rocks as they can also damage the hull. The same is true for landing, be careful to avoid rocks and retract your skeg and rudder before coming ashore.

In most cases and over stern rudder comes on the boat allowing you to steer with the foot pedals. You can choose to not use the rudder and use your stroke or edging to steer. In some models, there is a skeg to aide in tracking, which is operated by a push pull nob on the starboard side of the boat. Pushing the nob towards the stern will progressively engage the skeg.

In windy conditions and open water, make sure to use spray skirt and have safety devises such as pumps, flares, radios, cell phone etc. As always, you should always paddle with a partner and use proper flotation devices such as a PFD and know your ability level and anticipate any severe weather.


Take caution in the active Surf Zone where waves are breaking. Coming in and out of the surf can severely damage or break the boat. These kayaks are not surf kayaks for surfing breaking waves, our kayaks are designed for the Open Ocean and the warranty does not cover breakage in the Surf Zone. When launching your kayak, do not get caught in the shallows with large waves breaking over the boat. When coming back in, do not ride a breaking or curling wave as it can break the boat or crush it against the bottom of the ocean.

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